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Auricular Therapy or ear acupuncture is based on the premise that our ears are a microcosm of our entire body. That means that there is a corresponding point on the ear to different aspects of the body that impact physical, emotional, and functional health. The ear is intricately connected to our nervous system and brain, linking it to a complex network that can allow a direct pathway to promote healing and balance. 

Auricular therapy has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine, however, the work of French neurologist Dr. Paul Nogier turned it into the comprehensive system we use today. Nogier began studying the ear after being visited by patients with cauterizations in the auricle to relieve sciatic pain which led to the development of mapping the entire body as points on the ear. The ear is one of the few anatomic structures built from each of the primary tissues found in the embryo - ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, as well as, having significant innervation. Points on the auricle are detected and used to address various functional and lesional disorders by means of suitable stimulations as a physical and energetic reflex technique.

Auricular Therapy is highly regarded for its effectiveness in addressing a variety conditions by targeting specific points on the ear which can stimulate the body's natural healing processes. It can be used alone or with homepathy and detoxification protocols for efficacious and powerful results.*

At our clinic, we utilize auricular therapy to complement and augment homeopathy, nutrition, and detox programs. Booking a consultation with our practitioner brings together a personal, holistic, and comprehensive approach with years of expertise integrating homeopathy, auricular therapy, nutrition, and detox protocols to provide a level of care not found anywhere else.

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